Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Ow ... I'm Getting Kicked ...

Spellbound baby was having a disco dance party yesterday and it was, for the first time, actually a little painful.

At the risk of having someone who's been pregnant before laugh at me, I must admit, I didn't really believe that baby kicks could make you sore. But I do now.

In a way it's nice because it's just another marker of how big and strong the baby is getting.

1 comment:

Victoria Lee Rule - McSpadden said...

I remember when I was pregnant in 1984 with my daughter Brooke Marguex McSpadden. She used to stretch my belly so far, that it looked like an alien was inside me. My belly button went flat, I used to tell my daughter stores at night in my belly. I had a tiger that I would wind up and play, I would hold it to my stomach. You look so cute.....that is my my grand baby.....I am so proud of you...you look so pleased with your belly, in your Paul Frank jams. he he. I love you, mom