Saturday, October 11, 2008

6 months: The World is Mine (And I'd Like it in My Mouth, Please!)

At six months, Truman is a whopping 19 pounds 4 ounces and 27 and 1/4 inches tall. That's only 1/4 inch taller than he was at 4 months, but it puts him in the 75% for height and weight; and he wants to explore the world.

He spent the last month mastering his army crawl and discovering the ins-and-outs and dos-and-don'ts of our home. He's used this skill to satisfy a pressing need to chomp. Like a very teething caterpillar he's chomped cardboard puzzle pieces, felt food, banana peels, clothes, spoons, fingers, teething rings and leaves. And would like to chomp every cable ever made, although I think he's getting the picture it's not going to happen. We see no teeth budding yet.

He's been babbling in recognizable ma-ma's and ga'ga's and da-da once or twice. He seems to get the idea that ma-ma is either me or "help," scooting over to me and uttering an endless ma-ma-ma-ma-ma until I pick him up.

He's becoming simultaneously more independent and more tied to me. After a big exploration, he likes to refocus. He smiles often and giggles much.

Smiling at 3 weeks:

And, today:

1 comment:

Holdin' Holden said...

He is SO HANDSOME! You take great pictures