Saturday, October 11, 2008

5 months: Here I Come World

This month was all about mobility. Truman went from grabbing a few things, to grabbing everything and wiggling on the floor in attempts at mobility. Finally, just a few days before he reached five months he scooted toward his first of many adventures at quick enough pace to mean he's officially mobile.

He also spent this month learning to sit and then mastering that skill after many crash landings. It's weird getting used to the side effect of mobility — he's going to get scared or even hurt as he learns the ropes of sitting and crawling, then, one day, walking. With my little mobile man I play the quiet, diligent observer, letting him venture off and waiting to see what he's doing before I react to it.

It's a time of much chaperoned expedition.

He's also learned to blow raspberries, which is what he's doing in the photo above.

Tummy time at 4 weeks:

And at 5 months:

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