Friday, May 16, 2008

What Happens When Mom's a Photographer

He tends to look so old and big in pictures (it's those long legs!), so I was looking for a way to capture how small he is now as an infant. I was inspired by a photo some of my favorite photographers had taken of a baby in a wheat field. This was taken along the path across from our apartment in a patch of tall grass:


Anonymous said...

You are so fabulously artsy.:)

Anonymous said...

Yes, I have noticed that when we were up. He looks so much older in the pictures. He looks adorable and more the correct size and age out in the grass. And of course for Grandma here, I like seeing him all cuddled up in a blanket. Grandma Marian
Great Job

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos, Brooke. I can't wait to meet this little guy!
Carrie :)