Wednesday, May 14, 2008

How He Spends His Days at One Month

Thinking, looking, listening:

Eating, snuggling:

Digesting, spitting up, burping;

Sleeping, dreaming:

Planning his next move:

He also coos and is working on a very cute smile. He now tracks things with his eyes and is engaging with us more. Every morning he and I spend a few minutes looking into each others eyes and studying each other. He continues to play with his feet and hands and is getting better at holding his head by himself.

He seems to like being around people more than being at home with just Joe and I.

(All photos taken with my mother's day gift, a new point-and-shoot.)


Anonymous said...

Ooo! Congrats on your point-and-shoot!

Such nice photos!

Amy said...

So sweet! I'm lovin' the tie-dye!