Monday, March 15, 2010

It's Spring and "the plan"

So, maybe we're predicted to get 10 inches of snow next weekend, but that didn't stop us (or the rest of our neighborhood) from celebrating spring yesterday by being outside. Outside without gloves and a hat and without freezing because I don't want to wear gloves and a hat.

Yesterday also marked the daylight savings time switch, which put us in a bit of a nap stand-off. When four rolled around, forgetting it was actually three (non-converted time) I decided we should create a keep Truman-awake-plan, which is no small feet.

In case you haven't noticed, he's not the kind of person that does anything unless he decides he wants to do it. Wonder where he gets that from ...

So, while he is not exactly easy to put to bed, he is also difficult to keep awake.

Cue "the plan."

Our almost two years of parenting have been filled with many "plans," lots of successes but many agonizing, tantrum- or poop-filled defeats.

The plan was to take a rampaging, tired boy to the park for over an hour to keep him awake until the golden hour (7:30 in our house) when he can go to sleep and stay asleep until morning (8:00 at our house. Yes, I know I'm lucky).

It sounded like a foolish endeavour, even at the time, but we had few options. So we did it. He climbed; he slid; he swung; he ran around with a little girl and kept eating gross snow with echoes of "no, gross," cascading from our mouths. Then he took a tumble, had some milk and a snuggle and walked home with us.

As I was making dinner he fell asleep in Joe's arms right around the golden hour and awoke excited for today at, drum roll, please ...


8 o'clock!

So today I'm taking a victory lap by telling you all. We did it!

p.s, I'm going to start writing on this blog more. It may not always be snazzy, but I want to document more of our everyday adventures.

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