Monday, March 22, 2010


Truman exhibited his first act of empathy today. We were out at a park with Khai and Sarah. It was a chilly day and both boys had hats, but Khai's had been left in the car.

Truman hasn't been a huge fan of hats this winter, so I expect he won't wear one unless it's freeze-your-ears-off cold. But he was wearing his hat today for a while, but then took it off, so I let Khai (who has been loving hats recently) wear it.

Later, Truman ran up to Khai and took his hat back. Khai started crying while Truman dashed away and put on the hat.

"Truman, that hat is very important to Khai and he would really like to wear it, since it is not that important to you, can he use it for now?"

Truman thought for a few seconds, then took off the hat and walked it over to Khai.

I could hardly believe it. He seemed to understand completely what was going on and chose of his own volition (prompted by me, yes, but he's not the type to do anything unless he wants to) to give Khai the hat.

T climbed up on this hill and said "look at me!":

1 comment:

Amy said...

What a sweetheart! Such cute pics too!