Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Three Months

It's hard to believe how much personality Truman already has at three months. It's also hard to believe all of the things he can do already. He's become very good at rolling over from his back to his tummy — so good he's often rolling all over the place while I change his diaper. He's also become interested in sitting, though he's nowhere near being able to do it by himself. I place my fingers in his hands, ask him if he is ready and then he pulls himself up while I pull him up.

He definitely recognizes both Joe and I and will often smile at just the sight of us. He keeps close tabs on me, but enjoys spending time with others a lot more now. He enjoys talking in his own oohs and ahhs and has long conversations with me. Though they are composed of simply sounds, it's easy to see how these sounds will eventually become words.

He usually takes a nap right before Joe comes home, then wakes up bright eyed to spend time with him. He's now discovered himself in the mirror and seems fascinated by the sight of his reflection.

Here he is at 3 months:

And at 2 weeks:

1 comment:

Amy said...

That first picture is awesome.