Wednesday, June 17, 2009

14 Months: A Little Boy Emerges

We gave Truman his first haircut last weekend, removing the hockey-hair mullet that had been amassing for months. I cut one side and Joe clipped the other; then I evened the whole thing out.

What emerged was a little boy with an almost immediately thinner face. It's been fun to watch him explore the world with his new hair the last few days. The hair is just an outward sign of an inward transformation.

At 14 months it's becoming more and more apparent how physically adept Truman is. He is impeccably aware of his feet and their position. When placed on a tall surface he will move his upper body while keeping his feet still and firmly planted. He runs "drills" in the house, dodging various obstacles at high speeds and loves to flip (with my aid) and spin. Last night he discovered he could look upside down through his legs if he bends his head down all the way to the ground.

He continues to concentrate heavily on finer motor skill tasks, as well, and is now able to twist lids on and off. He can use a spoon, but prefers his hands. Actually, he prefers tipping an entire bowl up to his mouth as though he were Winnie The Pooh. He still loves food on a stick and can now hold a tooth pick.

He's doing well with potty learning and is starting to tell me when he has to go more often, though the signals are varied and I sometimes get confused until after the fact. Yesterday he even tried to sit on the potty by himself.

He's seems to be taking a detour in the spoken language department, but continues to find more and more non-verbal ways to communicate and continues to enjoy music, exhibiting good rhythm when he plays the keyboard, other instruments or in his dancing.

He loves to kiss and hug and snuggle. He has become incredibly secure with himself while exploring the world and understands that Joe and I have to leave him occasionally but that we come back.

He is incredibly independent when we are out and wants to explore the whole world without holding my hand; yet when we're home he usually wants me near him.

Truman in the grass at 10 weeks:

and now:


Anonymous said...

Glad to see you are back. We have been going through withdrawal.

Pamela said...

ahhh...the diaper half off maneuver. we are very familiar with that one.

i'd love to see a video of truman's drills. perhaps you could get him some teeny little tires to do them in?