Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My Little 11-month-old

making a face I haven't captured before:


And investigating a treasure chest (of drawers):

At 11 months he is a toddling machine, walking almost exclusively to get around. In the last few weeks he's been working on the words "poop," "pee" and "bye-bye." He even sort-of said "bye-bye poop" once. Although I am not going to claim he's speaking in sentences.

He's also starting to slim down and trading in his "baby" look for a kid exterior.


Jen said...

Aw, what an adorable little man! It's crazy how quickly they lose that baby look, too, isn't it?

Can't believe he's toddling - that's awesome! When Aislynne started crawling at 5 months we thought for sure she'd be an early walker too, but it was like she learned to get around/stand up and realized she could access everything she wanted/needed that way so there was no need to learn any more. :D

Victoria Lee Rule - McSpadden said...

Oh my little grandson.... He looks so much like you when you were a baby. You walked at 10 months on Christmas Day. You always capture him in expressing funny faces,and he looks very busy in the drawers.

Thanks for sharing,