Thursday, February 26, 2009

Truman's Feet Were Made For Walking

So that's what he's gonna do.

He started walking 5 days before he turned 10 months, but I have been waiting to get a video of him in action to go with the post. Here he is toddling around the Volleyball courts in Milaca while Joe plays:

This video also features a look at the miniature version of the elegant troll hat.

About 2 weeks before he had taken five steps after which he made no attempts until the night he finally got it. We were at an art exhibit in Milaca in a little room where some was playing the piano. People had gathered around the edges of the room to listen while Joe gave Truman his watch to play with. He put Truman down and I stepped into the center of the room, calling his name. Clutching the watch, he came walking to me and continued walking around the room.

Then I told everyone this was his first time.

Here is a small video of him dancing (and then trying to eat a cherry stem as we feverishly rush to stop him) that night:


Amy said...

Go Truman Go!!!

Erin and Robert said...

Too cute! I'm impressed with the walking part, but also with his early mastery of the maraca.