Spellbound baby is halfway here. So I thought I'd post a little update:
We kind of think the baby is a boy. We have no reason for thinking this because we're not finding out the sex ahead of time. But for whatever reasons we find ourselves saying "he is kicking" or "I wonder if he ..." When we do this, we usually recover with "or she," because the baby might be able to hear us now and we don't want to give her a complex if she is a girl.
My mom, niece Elizabeth and friend Amy think its a girl. Feel free to guess for yourself; the odds are great.
As implied above, I can feel the baby kicking now. I started feeling him or her around 16 weeks, but the movement of their little hands and feet are a lot more regular now. Joe even felt the baby the other day, but that was a super-ninja kick.
After the baby is born we will stick their ninja feet in these starfish booties.
In other news, I'm headed to San Diego tomorrow to visit family. I'll be gone for a week.